...Without Pills, Energy Drinks or Crazy Diets


Date to Be Announced

  • Discover How The Power Of Our Words Influences Our Lives & Transforms Our Thoughts
  • Unlock The Secret To Recover From Stress & Anxiety
  • Learn How To Change Your Mindset About Health & Wellness To Create Healthy Habits

Click to get instant access to the 5-Day Challenge!

What's Included In The Amazing 5-Day Challenge?

Access To All The Recordings

Sometimes it just isn’t possible to be on you will have access to the recordings to listen at your own timing.

Coaching With Darla

At the end of this challenge, you will take away healthy habits to better your life, lose weight, and KEEP IT OFF! I will share some tips for living a full and purposeful life by embracing experiences instead of a life of stuff and clutter. I have done this myself and have seen massive changes in my ability to focus and achieve goals.

Private Facebook Group Access

This is a great place to connect and make lasting friendships with other women on a similar journey as you. You will share your wins and find so much encouragement and inspiration.

I am a HABIT CHANGER and a WELLNESS MAKER...a certified health and life coach who works with women who not only want to experience weight loss and wellness but want to dive deeper into the MINDSET that has been holding them back. I believe it's about habit changes, small, life-long choices that will create overall wellness in your life. It’s not just about a diet, restricting food groups, or going to the gym for hours a day, rather it's learning who you truly are and who you want to be.

It’s letting go of the limiting beliefs like, “I am not good enough”, “I will never lose weight”, “I’m too old to get healthier and workout”. The list goes on and on. No matter how long you have held these beliefs, unlearning those beliefs, replacing them with positive ones along with learning simple daily HABITS, you can become the healthiest version of yourself, mind, body, and spirit.


When I am not helping my amazing clients to up-level their habits and their life I am spending time with my wonderful family. I also love to decorate, get massages, ride my bike, and read all different types of books. The key belief in my life that I live by: Put God first, trust Him with your future.


Darla is amazing! She really listens and picks up on things you didn't even realize no longer serve you. She helps you be the best version of yourself! Give yourself the gift of a session with Darla! You are worth it!

~Jen E

For me personally, I find it very beneficial to have a female coach that brings a different perspective to the area that I want to improve in. I highly recommend Darla. To all the men out there that are contemplating a Life Coach, talk to Darla first.

~Dan L.

Not only did I hit my goals every day- but I saw changes in my energy level, skin health, I completely cut out sodas... but the BEST part- I lost 4 pounds!!! I am so glad Darla created a safe and inspiring platform to allow us to embrace healthy habits together.

~Laura R.

Darla inspires me daily with her health advice and life coaching videos. She is motivating and helps me to believe in myself. Her health challenge changed my life by teaching me how to make small changes that helped create a lifestyle change! Thank you Darla for believing in me and helping me take steps to becoming much healthier and feeling great! I love all the energy I feel when I take care of myself!!

~Beth C

Oh Darla I wanted to tell you how grateful I am for you. Since your challenge and starting The 5 Minute Journal, I have felt such a difference in how I feel and my general mood. I have even been able to weather daily challenges that previously would have totally ruined my day! I still have a long way to go but I feel like the pieces are starting to fall into place.

~Adria, California

My group coaching with Darla has been a great experience. She has intuition to get the group to open up about themselves. I noticed quickly that our group was feeding off one another in each session. We encouraged and supported each other and lovingly held one another accountable to take steps forward. I recommend joining the group coaching if you have the opportunity. You will be so glad you did.

~Angie, Mississippi


It’s amazing how when you create small changes through healthy habits, you have more energy, a positive mindset, and choose healthy foods. All because you feel better...about yourself.

Are you asking yourself,” HOW DO I DO THAT? I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHERE TO START?!”

Don’t worry that’s why I created this challenge! I have taken all of the lessons I have learned through my own journey and helping hundreds of others to feel better and condensed it into this simple-to-follow challenge.

I am here to help people just like you to BOOST YOUR ENERGY without pills, drinks, and crazy diets!!

Sound good? Are you ready??


Together Lets Release More Of Your Amazing And Get Your Desired Results!

  • Uncover what is really holding you back from feeling better
  • Learn how the words you speak, even to yourself, can improve your life
  • Start your day off right with this one tip
  • Learn how this one simple tip can drastically change your health
  • Determine if you are an emotional eater and how that can sabotage your waistline
  • How clutter can cause anxiety (and what to do about it)
  • Discover this one tip that will help you live your best life and accelerate your weight loss


CoachDarlaNelson - All Rights Reserved

Disclaimer: Coaching is not a replacement for medical advice. Coaches are not physicians. Coach Darla Nelson does not and will not diagnose or cure diseases.

2086 East Canal Drive PMB #164, Turlock, CA 95380